The Investigative Audit of the Largest Public School System in Oklahoma
Cindy Byrd and her Forensic Audit Division conducted an investigation of Epic Charter Schools.​
She has been criticized by the Schools' two founders and their political supporters ever since.
Oklahoma taxpayers deserve to know the truth about their false claims and their mismanagement.
The Schools received more taxpayer funds than any other public schools...
... but did not have school buildings...
... and hid a quarter of their expenditures...
... and were run by a for-profit company.
The Schools’ founders declared $68 million of taxpayer money as their personal profit
... in just six years.
Epic Public Schools’ founders improperly used
hundreds of thousands of our tax dollars
to benefit a California public school.
The Schools’ founders improperly exceeded administrative costs by millions of dollars.
The Schools’ founders
refused to allow the public
to know how they spent
$145 million of taxpayer money
... in just six years.
The Schools’ founders spent millions of dollars on advertising.
The state multicounty grand jury and the Schools' independent auditing firm subsequently verified the findings.
The Schools have been ordered to return $20 million of misspent taxpayer funds.
The Schools have severed ties with their founders and have saved substantial amounts of money in operations already.
The Schools' founders and former CFO have been criminally charged with racketeering, conspiracy, embezzlement, and several other felonies.